published by adam on Tue, 05/08/2012 - 13:44
Gather 'round, R-users, forecasters, algo traders, and financial analysts. The R in Finance conference is this Friday and Saturday, May 11 & 12, in Chicago. All your favorite buzzwords, from algo trading, to data scientist, to big data, will be there---with talks given by the top experts in the R landscape. Jeff Ryan's pre-conference session on processing full-market data looks particularly solid.
published by adam on Fri, 02/24/2012 - 17:46
On the topic of Generativity and Creativity: entrepreneurials doing impulsive, crazy things and their stories making that leap. Take a look at the full event write-up on Ribbonfarm. I intend to speak there about a design philosophy---and how it impacts my approach to numbers, art, and risk. The event is fully booked, but I'm sure Venkat will post an excellent summary.